Exercise 72 From How To Design Programs
My response for Exercises 72 and 73 (Chapter 5.6) of How to Design Programs
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#lang typed/racket ; Exercise 72 (struct phone-number ([area : String] [switch : String] [num : String])) (struct entry ([name : String] [phone : phone-number] [email : String])) ; Exercise 73 (struct posn ([x : Number] [y : Number])) (: posn-up-x (-> posn Number posn)) (define (posn-up-x p n) (posn (+ (posn-x p) n) (posn-y p))) |
I’m using Typed Racket here rather than BSL because unless I need to do some graphic work I don’t see any reason to solve the problems in BSL since that’s ultimately a dead end.